O He who suffices all things; O He through whom all things subsist; O He whom nothing resembles; O He whose dominion nothing increases; O
Devamı >Jawshan | Arabic-English (88)
O God! I beseech Thee through Thy Names: Most Hospitable and Kind; August and Tremendous; Granter of ease; Bestower of gifts; Dispenser of riches; Giver
Devamı >Jawshan | Arabic-English (87)
O Friend of the weeper; O Support of the trusting; O Guide of the wayward; O Patron of the believer; O Companion of the rememberer;
Devamı >Jawshan | Arabic-English (86)
O He other than whose dominion there is no dominion; O He whose praise cannot be counted by His slaves; O He whose glory cannot
Devamı >Jawshan | Arabic-English (85)
O One known by the knower; O One worshipped by the worshipper; O One thanked by the offerer of thanks; O One recalled by the
Devamı >Jawshan | Arabic-English (84)
O God! I beseech Thee through Thy Names: Unique; Single; One; Eternally Besought; Most Splendid; Most Glorious; Most True; Most Beneficent; Eternal. Glory be unto
Devamı >